Transition is never easy, however this process is usually more difficult for young adults with special health care needs who have been receiving care from specialized pediatric treatment settings and providers. This video looks at how Jim and his family prepared for health care transition and their current efforts to complete the process. (Note: Jim has cystic fibrosis.) Run time: 10 minutes (2001)
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This Is Health Care Transition
Growing up and becoming an adult is difficult for all youth, but can be especially challenging for young people with special health care needs. This four-part video series was developed to help youth and young adults with chronic health conditions and their families be better prepared for adulthood, especially the move from pediatric to adult-oriented health care. This video was developed through a contract from Children's Medical Services to the University of Florida. This is part 1 of a four part series. Visit the You Tube link for the full series.
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Talking With Your Doctor
This 18 minute video teaches teens how communicate effectively with health care providers so that they answer teens' questions and give the information and supports teens need to be more in charge of their own health. Teens will also learn how prepare and give health care providers the information they need to give teens the best possible medical care.
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The information published on this website or in any connected material is the opinion of Lisa C. Greene dba Happy Heart Families only and is not meant to replace professional medical or mental health care. Persons should always seek the advice of a medical professional when making decisions about personal healthcare or treatment.
Contact: Happy Heart Families at: 10016 Edmonds Way, C#223, Edmonds, WA 98020 (425) 298-7197 or visit Contact Info to send an email.