Self efficacy can best be summed up in the phrase, “Whether I think I can or think I can’t, I’m right” Or “We are what we think.”
But the technical definition, as quoted from Albert Bandura is: “Self-efficacy is defined as people's beliefs about their perceived capabilities to attain designated types of performances and achieve specific results. Self-efficacy beliefs determine how people feel, think, motivate themselves and behave.”
Wow, that’s alot. So what we believe about ourselves defines and creates our reality. Self-efficacy matters when we are raising a child with CF.
Kids with high self-efficacy
• Work harder at medical compliance
• Are more optimistic and hopeful
• Are physically and emotionally healthier
Sources of self-efficacy beliefs according to Bandura:
• Mastery experiences
• Vicarious experience (modeling)
• Social (verbal) persuasions
• Physiological states